
يلا خبر | ٢٦ حيلة جمال مبتكرة للغاية

اهلا بكم فى قسم الفيديو من موقع يلا خبر فى هذا القسم ستجدون مجموعة من الفيديوهات نرجوا ان تنال اعجابكم بإذن الله
والآن مع الفيديو :

أسرار مكياج مذهلة هذا الفيديو مليء بأفكار الماكياج الرائعة التي عليك تجربتها! أعددنا الكثير من الأفكار…


اضغطى لايك وشير لتدعمونا ونستمر
الى اللقاء فى منشور جديد مع موقع يلا خبر

اظهر المزيد

مقالات ذات صلة

‫49 تعليقات

  1. If y’all guys think people can understand the stuff and if y’all can understand it then I’m sorry for leaving this comment and like if all of those other people watching the video can understand this and I’m sorry for leaving this, I’m not being rude or anything I’m just like saying I can’t understand this like because these words I just can’t understand but I’m not being mean I’m gonna ask subscribe and leave a huge like so I love you by this video and one

  2. You stop doing those words no one can understand and plus like no available understand because I’m like what if there is people like that everybody can cannot understand no please stop doing those words and might do some like at least write some regular words in the video yeah I am just leaving this, so let people know rightLike am I right and like I just want people to understand how to do this stuff and I don’t even want to do the stuff I’m not being mean I love your guises videos but just make some regular word sound like don’t do that with the word nobody can understand bye-bye I love your guises videos and I am going to subscribe so I love you guys and buy

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