صحة و جمال

Finger Joint Pain Relief – Step 1

اهلا بكم فى قسم صحة وجمال من موقع يلا خبر فى هذا القسم ستجدون مجموعة من الوصفات الجميلة التى تساعدكى على ان تكونى ملكة جمال بين اصحابك نرجوا ان تنال اعجابكم بإذن الله
والآن مع الوصفة وهو كالتالي :
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At http://www.do-it-yourself-joint-pain-relief.com learn a do-it-yourself finger pain relief treatment that can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Free yourself from finger joint pain in…

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إذا نالت الوصفة اعجابك ارسليها لصديقتك لكى تجربها وتعم الفائدة إن شاء الله
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اضغطى لايك وشير لتدعمونا ونستمرفى خدمتكم
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الى اللقاء فى وصفة اخرى مجربة ومضمونة 100% مع موقع يلا خبر


اظهر المزيد

مقالات ذات صلة

‫27 تعليقات

  1. This is exactly what needs to be done to my finger but I need someone else to do it. It hurts so bad .. I made the mistake of listening to my mom's advice which was to do the opposite of this video. (Which was absolutely nothing) it's so swollen now and very tender on the first knuckle of my ring finger.

  2. I broke my piny at the proximal phalanx right above the knuckle 5 weeks ago. I just got my cast removed 2 days ago, and I have a significant lack of mobility due to the cast. would this video be safe to use on the middle knuckle, as I am feeling pain from the tip of my finger to the tendons below the middle knuckle when I try to bend it?

  3. Very helpful. I'm an LMT in texas and my right index finger was bothering me all day. Your advice helped to alleviate the pain about 90% in 10 minutes. I was actually worried I might be getting arthritis but apparently not! Thanks!

  4. Ow.  But thanks.  My pointer finger knuckle got smashed in a trunk when I was closing it.  My insurance covers nothing so I straightened the finger myself (after a glass of wine to kill the pain!) then bought a $5 splint at CVS which I had on pretty much the last few weeks (took off when I bathed).  Now the finger won't bend at the injured knuckle part and it feels pins and needly when I touch it so I'll try your exercises. Should I put the splint back on at night and force myself to at least try to start typing with it again?  thanks for any info.

  5. There are many components to exercises cure joint pain. One place I found that successfully combines these is the Nilah pain pundit (google it if you're interested) definately the most incredible guide i've heard of. look at the unbelievable info .

  6. thanks for reply n link,
    I have very little pain kind of plantar fasciitis n little sciatica pain(based on pain location). I think it may be related, am healthy 190 pound male, age34 , daily cardio gym weight workout. should I visit an orthopedic, neurologist or chiropractor?

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