صحة و جمال

Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain

اهلا بكم فى قسم صحة وجمال من موقع يلا خبر فى هذا القسم ستجدون مجموعة من الوصفات الجميلة التى تساعدكى على ان تكونى ملكة جمال بين اصحابك نرجوا ان تنال اعجابكم بإذن الله
والآن مع الوصفة وهو كالتالي :
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Do you ever have pain in your knees, hips, hands, or other joints, and you don’t know why? This can be a sign of arthritis, which can happen in many ways. There are more than 100 different…

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إذا نالت الوصفة اعجابك ارسليها لصديقتك لكى تجربها وتعم الفائدة إن شاء الله
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اضغطى لايك وشير لتدعمونا ونستمرفى خدمتكم
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الى اللقاء فى وصفة اخرى مجربة ومضمونة 100% مع موقع يلا خبر


اظهر المزيد

مقالات ذات صلة

‫21 تعليقات

  1. I have been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis for my whole life, it started about in my early 30s back in the 90s. I would have my hand swell up to big red balloons around my knuckles and I wouldn't be able to move the hands at all. What I did notice that helped relieve the pain, but not the swelling was Absorbine Jr. The arthritis cream made it easier with the stiffness and the pain when I had the worst conditions. The swelling and the movement were still bad though and sometimes that made it hard to do the easiest of tasks around the house. The thing I noticed at first and the early signs were pain and the swelling. The swelling where my knuckles would get red where the first indications that I had rheumatoid arthritis I searched for alternative treatments and started on rheumatoid arthritis herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the rheumatoid arthritis disease natural herbal formula.i read reviews from other previous patients who used the herbal formula,i am now active, i can now go about daily exercise!! Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net herbs are truly gift from God.

  2. I tried many things but the only thing that cured my arthritis was water fasting… I did a 6 day water fast last year and 3 days in it was gone forever.. my legs did burn before it went away.. now I fast every year honestly I wish I could fast more often but have a child

  3. I was diagnosed with arthritis 20 years ago. I tried the apple cider vinegar, fish oil and condroiten to no avail. Then I learned about shark cartilage when I had whip lash from an auto accident. It works extremely well at getting rid of pain and restoring range of motion and reducing swelling. Beware of fish oil, It is a natural blood thinner and caused/contributed to bleeding inside my eye and neaarly loosing my eyesight in that eye.

  4. Good video I do not have arthritis but I have this creaking sound on my left knee for over twenty years after apparently twisting it during an exercising routine when I was a teenager and that's a long time ago. it hurts when I bend and it sounds like can old hinge on a door. Is there anything you could recommend for this condition? there is no swelling or redness just the pain and creaking. thanks for your response.

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